A long bank holiday weekend is nearly here! Our bar manager has asked us to tell all our members that the club will be open on Good Friday and Easter Monday from 1.00pm. We are also open as normal on Saturday and Sunday from 1.00pm.
With the season nearly here we are now looking for scorers and umpires for our senior teams. We can provide a training session for scorers if anyone is interested, so no experience is needed. Middlesex are running an introductory umpire course for those who would be interested. The 1st and 2nd XI scorers will train on the electronic scoreboard and tablet and the 3rds and 4ths with the traditional book. Please email eastcotecc@hotmail.com if you are interested or would like more information. Or speak to any of the captains or players in the clubhouse.
For the 2019 season we are looking for a club sponsor so that we can have the same sponsor on all adult and colts cricket shirts. Although it is a long time away, we need to start discussions at an early stage. If you work for a company that may be interested or know somebody who does please email to the above email or see any of the committee members at the bar - if you are not sure who they are just ask at the bar and probably at least one will be in the clubhouse.
Have a good Easter