Eastcote CC News story

Our Funday is only 3 weeks away

05 Aug 2018

Our Funday is Sunday 26th August and it would be great to get support from all our members, Players, Socials and Colt's Parents for one of our key events of the year. So 4 simple requests please:

1) Please put the date in your diary and tell your friends and family to come along.

2) Can you please help on the day? If you can help all day that's fantastic. But if not if you could help for an hour or two. A list of stalls is on the notice board and please add your name to this. Alternatively speak to Louise Hobday, Denise Broom or Lisa Willis.Or email Lou at thehobnobs@hotmail.com

3) We need your donations please for our tombola stall. Bottles, tins, unwanted new gifts, items you won at last year's tombola and don't want! There is a box in the club entrance clearly marked and please leave all donations in the box. Anything of value can be left behind the bar or given to one of the organisers.

4) Please sell raffle tickets to your friends and buy them yourself. They are behind the bar. Please tell the bar staff how many you want. You don't have to pay straight away. Take them away, sell them and return the monies with the stubs.

Please help however you can. It's an important fund raising day for the club. But it's also a lot of fun on the day. So please do come along.