Eastcote CC News story

Annual General Meeting and Nominations for Officers and Captains

20 Nov 2022

The AGM will be at the club on Monday 19th December at 7.30pm. The meeting is for all members of the club. The official notification and agenda will follow. Please make a note in your diary.

The annual report is also being prepared and will be emailed to all members.

The nominations for officers of the club and captains is now on the notice board. All the officers of the club are up for election and if you wish to stand for any position please add your name and this must be proposed and seconded by a fully paid up member. If you are uncertain of the roles or require more details please speak to any committee member or reply to this email and one can contact you.

The same procedure applies for captains and vice-captains, but they must be proposed by fully paid up playing members.

Please remember if you hold a position, you must still add your name to stand for re-election.

Nominations must be made by 7.30pm Monday 12th December.