Eastcote CC News story

Club Diary for this week

04 Apr 2023

Good morning everyone

Firstly a huge THANK YOU to everyone who turned out on Sunday to help with the club clean up day, it was great to see so many of you giving your time to make our club ready for the season, brilliant effort.  Also thank you to Chris, Will and Matt for organising the day, Lou for helping with the refreshments.

On to this week's diary

Easter Camp:  Charlie and Gemma are running their Easter camps today, Wednesday and Thursday, if you are looking for activities for the children to take part in this week, this is great, lots of outside activities, crafts etc, for more details contact Charlie on charlie.eastcotecc@gmail.com

Easter Egg Hunt - £5 per child  Our big club event this week is the Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday 9th April 10.30am to 12 noon.  A fun filled time for the children, hunting for Easter eggs, Easter arts and crafts to take home, and some snacks.  Email Denise, Lisa or Lou, details below, by Friday 7th April (Good Friday) to add your child's name to the list.

Denise: denisecricket@hotmail.com

Lisa: lisawillis410@gmail.com

Lou: thehobnobs@hotmail.com.

Wishing you all a good week.  Don't forget the club is open 7 days a week.

A message from Charlie:  If you are in one of our junior squads and have not had any information about training please email Charlie on charlie.eastcotecc@gmail.com

Thank you