Good afternoon
On Saturday 28th September we hosted a Macmillan Coffee Morning at the club, I am pleased to let you know that so far we have raised £467.50, the donation box will be kept on the bar for the remainder of this week, hopefully we can make £500 for this fantastic organisation. Thank you to everyone who came to the coffee morning and made it such a great success.
As promised here are the social events for the next few months. More details may follow, in the meantime add these dates to your diary. We always like to see as many as possible at our winter social events, the End of Season Celebration is one of our main social events of the year, we look forward to having you celebrate with us.
Friday 11th October 7pm: U10's; U11's; U12's Juniors Awards Night
Sunday 13th October 11.30am to 2pm Hire.
Friday 18th October 7pm: U13's; U14's; U15's U16's; U17's Juniors Awards Night
Saturday 19th October 7.30pm: Music Bingo £8 per person which includes a Ploughman's supper. This was a big success last time, a fun night out. if paying Online add your name and MB as reference
Saturday 26th October 4pm to 6pm: Children's Halloween Party £6 per child, club will be decorated, there will be games, food and prizes. If paying online add your child's name and CHP as reference
Saturday 2nd November 7pm: End of Season Celebration at Northwood Golf Club, £45 for 18 and over, £30 for under 18. If paying online add your name and EOSC as reference. Names and payment by Friday 18th October.
Saturday 9th November 7pm: Junior Girls Awards Night
Saturday 23rd November 7pm: Quiz Night £8 per person, up to 8 per team, supper included. If paying online add your name and QN as reference
Saturday 7th December: Hire
Sunday 15th December 3.30 to 5.30: Children's Christmas Party, £10 per child, gifts, party food, games prizes, Christmas craft. If paying online add your child's name and CCP as reference
Tuesday 31st December 8pm to 1am: New Years Eve Party £10 adults £5 children, light buffet, music provided by Coley's Band (our very own Will Dunn and friends) we have limited capacity so book your tickets early. If paying online add your name and NYE as reference
Sign up sheets for various events will be up in the club by the end of the week. Purchase of tickets can be made over the bar at the club or online, for online payment details see the event.
Take care